Lab Demos

SEO Analyst

SEO Analyst is a data visualization tool that allows you to investigate and validate how well your SEO efforts are doing. Not only does the tool give you a good overview of how your content is seen by major search engines, but also gives you the ability to compare yourself to your competitors in terms of keyword density, page speeds, social media footprint and more. The tool is simple, start by entering some keywords below.

Chicago Crime Report

The Chicago Crime Stats is an interactive report that visualizes Chicago's crime statistics for 2014. The City of Chicago releases crime data for free through their public data portal. Since our headquarters are located in Chicago, we decided to see what we could make of all the information released. Crime has been broken down into categories including personal, property, morality and other on a zip code level.

Pro Prospect

The Pro Prospect demo app is a map-driven data analytics tool that consolidates many 3rd-party data points into a single data warehouse and framework. The experience we have gained in the automotive marketing space gives dealers or marketing account executives the ability to create campaigns that target specific customers and vehicles geographically based on their proximity to a dealership.

Sunburst Chart

The Sunburst Chart is a great way to visualize hierarchical data. You can generate one online for FREE here.

Bullet Graph

The Bullet Graph is a concept originally designed and developed by Stephen Few inspired by the traditional thermometer charts and progress bars found in many dashboards. The Bullet Graph is designed to replace those dashboard gauges and charts by representing data as a set of measures compared to each other in a simple yet powerful way.